Research: Stellar CBDC Hierarchical Consensus

 The Hierarchical Consensus project, advised by Professor Hank Korth, explores an approach to achieving consensus across multiple interconnected networks, building on the Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP) and adapting it to a hierarchical, multi-network environment. The project aims to develop a consensus mechanism suitable for Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), with the ultimate goal of implementing a dynamic and scalable hierarchical consensus system. This system would allow multiple levels of consensus (e.g., parent, child, and grandchild networks) to communicate and coordinate efficiently. The project involves setting up contracts across testnets, ensuring cross-network communication, and leveraging Stellar’s smart contract platform, Soroban, for contract deployment and interaction.

 Throughout the project, we have developed smart contracts using Stellar's Soroban to support persistent storage and cross-network interactions. A major focus is on creating a decentralized identifier (DID) registry using Soroban, which ensures unique identification across multiple networks. The project also involves setting up a custom test environment, deploying contracts between independent testnets, and implementing cryptographic sortition and verification methods for secure messaging across networks. Future steps for future teams include expanding the hierarchical consensus model to support more complex network structures and ensuring secure and reliable communication between levels.

Research Poster

Team Photo at Lehigh I-DISC Poster Session (Building C, Lehigh University)

Left to Right: Adrian, Yiannis, Luke, Zeeshan

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